Ningen shikkaku ( human disqualification)

Sinking deeper and deeper  I sank so low || Osamu Dazai Ningen Shikkaku (Human Disqualification) (5)

Sinking deeper and deeper  I sank so low || Osamu Dazai Ningen Shikkaku (Human Disqualification) (5)

Takeichi said to me that I would be in love with him if he would take care of my ear discharge, and I just blushed and laughed and did not answer him.
However, I did have a faint idea.

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But to write that I had a certain feeling when I was told so, in response to the contemptuous atmosphere created by such a vulgar word as “to be loved,” is to express such a ludicrous sentiment that it could almost be a line from a young master in a rakugo storytelling act. I had no idea.  I had no idea that I had such a joking and ridiculous feeling.  For me, human women were several times more difficult to understand than men. In my own family, women outnumbered men.  I have had many female relatives, including a criminal wench, and it is no exaggeration to say that I grew up playing only with women, but I had to tread on thin ice when I came into contact with them. I almost had no idea what to expect. It was a very unpleasant wound that was difficult to heal, and unlike the scars received from men, it was extremely uncomfortable, like an internal hemorrhage.  I had already made various observations about women from my childhood, such as that women pull you close and then let you go, or that women belittle you and treat you evilly in the presence of others and embrace you tightly when no one is around, or that women sleep deeply as if they were dead, or that they live to sleep, and so on.

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I had already made various observations about women from my childhood, such as that women pull you close and then let you go, or that women belittle you and treat you evilly in the presence of others and embrace you tightly when no one is around, or that women sleep deeply as if they were dead, or that they live to sleep, and so on. I had already made various observations about women since I was a child, and although they seemed to be of the same human race, they seemed to be a completely different creature from men, and so this inexplicable and unpredictable creature was strangely preoccupied with me.  The word “loved” and the word “liked” are also words that are used in one’s own case.  “liked” was not at all appropriate in my case, and I would prefer to call myself  The word “being taken care of” might be a better description of my situation.  Women seemed to be even more at home with clowns than men. I played the part of a clown, and the man, as expected, did not laugh endlessly, and I knew that I would fail if I got carried away and played the part of a clown too much, so I always tried to end it at an appropriate point. But women do not know the meaning of moderation, and they demanded to be clowns forever and ever, and I was exhausted by their endless encores. Indeed, she laughed a lot. In fact, women seem to be able to enjoy pleasure more than men.  Whenever I had a free moment, the older and younger daughters of the family that took care of me in junior high school would come upstairs to my room, and I would jump up and down with fright every time.

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Whenever I had a free moment, the older and younger daughters of the family that took care of me in junior high school would come upstairs to my room, and I would jump up and down with fright every time.  No, sir.  He smiled, closed the book, and said, “Today, at school, there was a geography teacher named Kombo.  Today, at school, I had a geography teacher named Kombo.  What flowed out of his mouth was a funny story that he had no intention of telling.  Ip-chan, try on your glasses.  One night, my younger sister, Sek-chan, came to my room with Anesa, and after making me play the role of a clown, she said to me, “Why?  Why?  Just try them on. Borrow Anesa’s glasses.  He always said in such a violent and commanding tone. The clown put on Anesa’s glasses. The two girls instantly burst into laughter.  Just like Lloyd. Just like Lloyd!  At the time, a foreign film comedian named Harold Lloyd was popular in Japan.  I stood up, raised one hand, and said, “Gentlemen.  “Gentlemen!  and said.  I would like to say to my Japanese fans, ……

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I would like to say to my Japanese fans, ……  I then went to see Lloyd’s movies whenever they came to theaters in the city and secretly studied his facial expressions.  One autumn night, while I was reading a book in my sleep, Anesa came into my room as quickly as a bird, suddenly collapsed on my futon, and cried. Ip-chan is going to save me, isn’t she? Yes, I know. It’s better for us to leave this house together. Help me. Help me.  She would say harsh things like this and cry again. However, since this was not the first time that he had heard such an attitude from a woman, he was not surprised by Anesa’s extreme words, and instead, feeling amused by their banality and ineptitude, he quietly got out of the futon, peeled a persimmon on the table, and handed her a piece of it. Then he peeled a piece of persimmon on the table and handed it to Anesa. Then Anesa ate the persimmon with a squeak and asked, “Do you have any interesting books?  Do you have any interesting books?  Can I borrow it?  I am Soseki,” he said.

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Then Anesa ate the persimmon with a squeak and asked, “Do you have any interesting books?  Do you have any interesting books?  Can I borrow it?  I am Soseki,” he said.  I picked out a book from the bookshelf, “I am a cat” by Soseki.  I chose a book called “I am a cat” by Soseki from the bookshelf. Thanks for the food.  Anesa smiled shyly and walked out of the room, but I felt that it was more complicated, troublesome, and weird for me to think about how women, not only Anesa but also other women, were living their lives than to investigate the thoughts and feelings of M worm. However, I knew from my own experience since I was a child that when a woman cried suddenly, if I gave her something sweet to eat, she would eat it and regain her good mood. When her younger sister, Sek-chan, would bring her friends to her room and make them laugh in a fair manner by being good to them, and when her friends left, Sek-chan would always speak ill of them. She would always tell them to be careful because she was a delinquent girl. If that was the case, she shouldn’t have bothered to bring her friend over, but now almost all of the visitors to her room were women.  However, this was not yet the realization of Takeichi’s flattery  But this was not yet the realization of Takeichi’s flattery of being loved.

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However, this was not yet the realization of Takeichi’s flattery  But this was not yet the realization of Takeichi’s flattery of being loved. In other words, I was merely the Harold Lloyd of Japan’s northeast. It was several years later that Takeichi’s ignorant flattery came to live on as an ominous prophecy, and took on an ominous shape.  Takeichi also had another important gift for himself.  A drawing of a ghost.  One day, when Takeichi came to visit me upstairs, he proudly showed me a picture of the mouth of one of the original color plates that he had brought with him, and explained so.  I thought, “Oh?  I thought. At that moment, I felt as if the path I was going to take was decided for me. I knew. I knew that it was nothing more than a self-portrait of Van Gogh’s example. When we were boys, the so-called French Impressionist paintings were very popular in Japan, and we usually started our appreciation of Western-style paintings from this area. I, too, had seen many of Van Gogh’s original color prints and was amused by the interesting touch and vivid colors, but I had never thought of them as ghost paintings.  How about this one? I wonder if it is a ghost after all…

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How about this one? I wonder if it is a ghost after all…  I pulled out a book of Modigliani’s paintings from the bookshelf and showed Takeichi an image of a nude woman with skin like a burnt red copper.  Amazing!  Takeichi rolled his eyes in admiration.  She looks like a horse from hell!  Is it a ghost after all?  I wish I could draw a picture of a ghost like this.  The more fearful people are of human beings, the more they desire to see the horrifying monsters with their own eyes, and the more nervous and frightened they are, the more they pray for a stronger storm. They did not try to clown around, but to express what they saw, and as Takeichi says, they dared to draw ghosts.  I was so excited that I cried and thought, “Here are my future friends.  I will do it too. I will paint a ghost picture.