Ningen shikkaku ( human disqualification)

Sinking deeper and deeper  I sank so low || Osamu Dazai Ningen Shikkaku (Human Disqualification) (8)

Sinking deeper and deeper  I sank so low || Osamu Dazai Ningen Shikkaku (Human Disqualification) (8)

There is also the term “criminal consciousness.
I was tormented by this consciousness for the rest of my life in this human world, but it was a good companion, like my wife, and it may have been one of my attitudes in life that I was playing alone with her in a shabby way. The wound appeared naturally on one of my shins from the time I was a baby, and rather than healing over time, it only grew deeper and deeper, reaching down to my bones, and although the nightly pain and suffering was a hell of many changes, the wound gradually became (this is a very strange thing to say) closer to me than my own flesh and blood, and the wound became more and more intimate. The pain of the wounds, in other words, seemed to be a living emotion, or even a whisper of love. In Horiki’s case, he just wanted to be a part of it. He was just a fool’s errand boy, and once he went to the meeting to introduce himself, he did not go to the meeting, saying something like, “Marxists need to study the consumption side as well as the production side. Looking back, there were many different types of Marxists in those days. Some, like Horiki, called themselves Marxists out of vanity and modernity, while others, like myself, just liked the smell of illegality and sat in on it. They would have been immediately driven away as despicable traitors. However, neither I nor even Horiki was expelled, and I was able to act more freely and healthily in this illegal world than in the world of legitimate gentlemen.

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I could behave more freely and healthily in the illegal world than in the world of legitimate gentlemen, so I would like to burst out as a prospective  As a comrade, I was asked to perform various errands with such excessive secrecy that I wanted to burst out laughing. In fact, I never once turned down such an assignment, and I accepted anything without hesitation, and I never made a mistake by being suspicious of a dog (as the comrades called the police) or being questioned by a suspicious person. The people in the movement were nervous as if it were a big deal, even doing a poor imitation of a detective story and using extreme caution, and the work they asked me to do was so trivial that it was quite shocking, but they still put a lot of effort into it, even though it was so trivial) and did exactly what they called their work. They did exactly what they said they would do. of people in the world.  I even thought that it might be easier to be in jail than to groan in the hell of sleeplessness every night in fear of the real life of people in the world.

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I even thought that it might be easier to be in jail than to groan in the hell of sleeplessness every night in fear of the real life of people in the world.  My father was so busy with visitors and outings at the villa in Sakuragicho that I never saw him for more than three or four days, even when we were in the same house. I heard from the villa keeper, an old man, that my father was planning to sell the house.  My father’s term as a member of the Diet was about to expire, and he must have had various reasons for doing so, but it seemed that he had no intention of running for election again, and he had built a house and a retirement home in his hometown, and had no desire to stay in Tokyo. Anyway, the house was soon sold to someone else, and I moved into a dingy room in an old boarding house called Senyukan in Hongo Morikawa-cho, and we soon found ourselves in financial difficulties. Until then, my father had given me a fixed monthly allowance, which would run out in a few days, but I always had cigarettes, liquor, cheeze, and fruit at home, as well as books, stationery, and other things related to clothing, which I could always get from the neighborhood store on what is called a “tabetsu.

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Until then, my father had given me a fixed monthly allowance, which would run out in a few days, but I always had cigarettes, liquor, cheeze, and fruit at home, as well as books, stationery, and other things related to clothing, which I could always get from the neighborhood store on what is called a “tabetsu.  Even if I treated Horiki to osobaka or tendon (rice bowl), if it was my father’s favorite restaurant in the neighborhood, I did not mind leaving the restaurant without telling him.  Suddenly, I was living alone in a boarding house, and I had to make do with a fixed monthly remittance. The remittance disappeared within a few days, and I was so horrified that I went mad with anxiety. He thought that the best way to ask someone for something was to make them laugh first), while at the same time, he also began to pawnshop diligently under Horiki’s instruction.  After all, I did not have the ability to live alone in a boarding house with which I had no connection.  I had no ability to make a living alone in a boarding house with which I had no connection.

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I had no ability to make a living alone in a boarding house with which I had no connection. I was afraid that I would be attacked and beaten by someone, so I went out to the city to help out with the exercise of the local people, or to drink cheap sake with Horiki. In November of his second year at high school, he had an affair with a married woman who was older than he was, and his situation changed drastically.  Although I was absent from school and did not study at all, I still seemed to be strangely good at answering the examinations, and it seemed that I had been able to browbeat my relatives back home. It seemed that the school had begun to secretly report to my father back home about my lack of attendance, and my eldest brother began to send me long letters with harsh sentences on my father’s behalf. However, more than that, I was suffering directly from the lack of money and the fact that my exercise activities were becoming more and more hectic, to the point that I could no longer do them with a sense of fun. I was appointed as the leader of the Marxist student action team for all the schools in Hongo, Koishikawa, Shimotani, Kanda, and other areas in the central district, or whatever the district was called. When I heard about the armed uprising, I bought a small knife (now that I think about it, it was a very small knife, not even big enough to sharpen a pencil), put it in my pocket of my lenko-oto, and flew around from place to place, so to speak.  I put it in Lenkooto’s pocket and flew around to make connections.

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I put it in Lenkooto’s pocket and flew around to make connections. I wanted to drink and sleep well, but I had no money. Moreover, P (I remember that the party was called by such a cloaked term, but I may be wrong) kept sending me requests one after another, so many that I did not even have time to catch my breath. My sickly body was no longer able to do the work. I had been helping the group out of an illegitimate interest, and when the work became so hectic that it was like a piece of a joke, I secretly asked the P’s, “That’s not right, why don’t you let your immediate family members do it? I couldn’t help but feel a horrible feeling of “that’s not right, why don’t you let your direct descendants do it? I ran away, and as expected, I did not feel good about it and decided to die.  At that time, there were three women who had a special liking for him. One of them was the daughter of Senyukan, where he was staying. After he returned home exhausted from helping Rei with her exercise routine and went to bed without eating, this girl would always come to his room with a note and a fountain pen and say, “I’m sorry.  I’m sorry.

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I’m sorry. My sister and brother are so noisy downstairs that I can’t even write to them.