Space bombing

There is no procedure or shit when

There is no procedure or shit when

I. When the director’s presentation was over, there was a literal hail of applause. Among them, only one person, Reijiro Kiso, stood there with a stunned look on his face, neither applauding nor smiling, as if he had lost his mind.

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Hey, Kiso-kun! A tap on his shoulder made him realize that the staff already gathered in the institute’s courtyard were almost gone. Of course, the old director on the stage had also disappeared before I knew it. What’s the matter? He said, “I’m not at ……. You’re rotten, I can see that. No, nothing …….” It’s not just this one time, we’ll get there too. Nagata tapped him on the shoulder and looked into Kiso’s face with comforting eyes. Kiso looked away from those eyes. It’s not that," he said. I’m going to report to the director as soon as possible. Shall I apply for yours as well? No, thanks. Kiso shook his head vigorously and walked away as if he had just remembered. I’ll take care of myself. He walked around the concrete pond in the courtyard of the institute where the Eustoma grandiflorum was in bloom, and then he strode back to his room. Kiso felt sorry for Nagata, who had been so kind to him, but he was too tired to even talk to him. He wanted to be alone and close his eyes. The laboratory was deserted and no one had left yet. The laboratory was deserted and no one had left yet. The director’s announcement must have caused the laboratory staff to gather in clusters here and there and spread rumors. Probably no one would be able to get any work done for the rest of the day. Kiso looked sideways at the empty laboratory and walked through, his cheeks contorted. He then pushed his way through the door to his room next door and sat down on the swivel chair in front of the desk. I put my elbows on the desk, held my head up, and closed my eyes. I could hear the muffled voices of the staff members talking in the garden outside. I heard them talking in the garden outside, and I could hear them talking in a hushed voice.

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What?" . Kiso, who had been expecting to find no one there, was startled by the sudden voice and turned around. You may feel …… better," he said. The person standing there with a slightly cocked head and a thin frown was Michiko Ishii, his assistant, whom he had not expected to see. What, you’re here, Ishii-san? ……, did you hear what the director just said? What?" “Oh, yes. Oh, yes, you are the one who is going, aren’t you, Ishii-san? But I don’t know if I’m the right person for the job. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll do well. ……, I’m sorry to see you go, but I can’t say that, you know. I’m sure you’ll do fine. …… but Kiso-san isn’t here, I wonder what’s wrong? No, I’m ……, I’m an out-of-towner, please come and do my part. I don’t want you to think of it as a business trip, because the director said he wanted you to go there with the intention of burying your bones for the sake of his achievements. Kiso laughed for the first time, but in a hollow voice.       II. But, I never thought that Borneo was–” “But, I–” “But, I never thought that Borneo was–” “Why would I go to Borneo? Why would he move almost half of this laboratory to Borneo? Michiko Ishii put on her lab coat and sat back in her chair, her legs easily stretched out and aligned.Michiko’s older brother, Ryoichi, was her real assistant, but since she started military service two years ago, Michiko, who had just graduated from school at the suggestion of Kiso, who had been coming and going all the time, came to help with various things in the laboratory and somehow learned how to do all kinds of experiments. She has become a regular assistant in the lab. As the director had mentioned earlier, a magnetics laboratory such as this one should be located in a place where the influence of the earth’s magnetic force is at a minimum. As you know, if you have a bar magnet, both ends of the bar magnet are the most magnetic, and the center of the bar magnet has almost no magnetic force compared to the two ends of the bar magnet, both are balanced. Of course, the earth’s north and south poles, unlike the positions of the poles on a map, wobble around all year round, so - just like the end of a spinning top of a spinning top, which does not stop properly - the earth’s north pole and south pole are not in the same position as the poles on a map. So the equator is not always in the center, but it is much more balanced than this area. Is it so different from Tokyo? If you look at Tokyo from the side where the magnet needle stops, the one pointing north must be down, not flat, because Tokyo is closer to the North Pole, away from the South Pole, so it receives extra force from the North Pole. The further north you go, the worse it gets, and once you get to the North Pole, the needle of the magnet needle must stick up with the north down - well, this is a violent example, but anyway, in places where the difference in the earth’s magnetic force is clearly visible even on the magnet needle, that’s why our experiment is also affected by the earth’s magnetic force. In this sense, it is quite natural that the alter ego of the Institute of Magnetism was built a little further upstream from Pontianak in equatorial Borneo, isn’t it? Yes, but to an uninformed observer, it would seem that even this humble research institute has been carried away by the southern fever. …… In short, all you have to do is to make a good job of going south,” he said.

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Yes, but when even Kiso-san says so, I feel like I’m being burdened with something I can’t even move. Seeing Michiko Ishii’s serious face, Kiso could not help but smile back. Kiso had been privately consulted by the director about this Borneo research branch office for some time, and Kiso had even drafted a plan for the selection of people to go to the branch office. Kiso was stunned by this. For a moment, he was overwhelmed by the intense disappointment, as if he was the only one who had been left out. Kiso had been eager to work hard at the newly established Borneo Branch Office. For this reason, he had thought he had selected the best people from the laboratory, but now he had been completely betrayed. Kiso felt as if he were dreaming as he walked back across the courtyard to his room. It was as if his work at the institute had come to an end. However, he was able to maintain his composure enough to not show any signs of being terribly distraught when Michiko Ishii was in front of him. In fact, he may have been showing it on his face, but Michiko, who had been so excited by his sudden offer to go to Borneo, may have just been oblivious. And when Kiso saw Michiko, who looked much like his best friend Ryoichi, with an unusually cheerful face, he finally felt calm enough to smile naturally.

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Kiso-san, the warden wants to see you. Kenji Murao, an assistant, came in hurriedly, opened the door, and said in an unusually lively voice, “Oh, yes. Oh, yes,” he said. Kenji Murao, the assistant, came in hurriedly and opened the door. Thanks to ……," he said. Murao, too, was quivering with a smile that seemed to rise to the corners of his mouth no matter how he put up with it. The first time I saw him, I thought, “Well, make sure you do your best, Ishii-san,” he said. I’m going to ……," he said. Haha. Kiso stood up in a panic as his cheeks twitched as he laughed. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how to do it.       Three. –The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you’re doing and what you’re not doing," he said. For example, Mr. Nagata seemed to be dissatisfied with the fact that he was not part of this project, but I wonder if it would be a good idea to empty the laboratory and have everyone go to the branch office. The old director was talking like that, his silver hair glinting in the sunlight coming in through the window. –The branch office is just that, a branch office, and it is only natural that the best of the best should go there, but that does not mean that they should all go there, just as we cannot move Tokyo there, no matter how convenient Shonanjima is. Tokyo may be geographically a little far, but it is still the place to announce to Greater East Asia, the same thing. For this purpose, how about sending someone like you or Mr.

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Nagata to the institute? The center of Greater East Asia is Tokyo, that’s all anyone knows. That’s all anyone knows. Kiso, looking very festive, nodded his head in agreement. But as time went by, Kiso had time to think about why he was so stunned that he had decided to stay. Was it really just a betrayal of his passion for experimentation, or was it just a vague longing for a land he had not yet seen? If it was experimentation, I had done a great deal of it here before, and in this day and age when we are cut off from Western science, it is hard not to feel encouraged by the achievements of the Borneo branch, which are being made by up-and-coming people in a favorable location, as if we had the perfect competition. Interesting. As time and days went by, Reijiro Kiso, head of the magnetics laboratory, finally regained his strength. As the director said, the reason why we chose Borneo, even though they are both on the equator, is that the Western civilization that came eastward first landed on Java, and then almost Westernized Java, making it the most developed island in the East Indies, and then they tried to go eastward again, but Borneo was still really untouched. But now we have to make the East-Asian culture go west, and it would be good to use the facilities that the enemy has already built, but it would also be interesting to give the leftover Borneo the first light of the East-Asian culture.

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–He also said that the director of the center was going to be there, too, so you’d better get your act together. Murao’s nervous, looming brow showed serious color. Yes, I know, with the current cyclotrons it still takes days to convert a spoonful of mercury. …… If you’re making gold at thousands of yen a gram, you’re making gold and going broke. –What about you, Mr. Ishii?" Ishii-san? Well, I’d like to try to keep everyone in the lab from getting sick, that’s all I can do, and getting sick is the most boring and wasteful thing you can do. I see. I see. …… Kiso was convinced that he had done the right thing in selecting Michiko Ishii for his upcoming trip to Borneo. It was satisfying to know that Michiko, who had shown a gentle and often manly will, had been included among the young staff (the more they were aware of the importance of their work), who tended to become enthusiastic, just like when you know the nail you have hammered has hit its mark. Murao’s face would turn pale rather than flushed when he was excited, but seeing him looking particularly pale since the day of the announcement made me think of this even more.       Fourth. In the midst of a somewhat restless and busy schedule, the Borneo-bound staff left for Borneo.

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It was as if a month or so had passed in the blink of an eye since the announcement, and the young staff members had simply left in a hurry. After they left, it was not so bad for a few days, but after a week, Kiso began to feel left out again. Although the number of staff had been reduced by about one-third, he still felt as if the entire laboratory had been deserted. The assistants in the laboratory, who were slowly working on their experiments, seemed to have no enthusiasm at all. While he felt that this was not a good thing, he also felt that he could understand the feelings of the remaining staff members, and he could not force himself to give them a warning. He felt a sense of defeat that he had been the one to select the people to go to the branch office, albeit very privately, and at the same time, a sense of relief that he had stayed behind for that reason. Kiso silently stared at the backs of the remaining staff members who were silently marking the experimental characteristic curves on the graph paper of the report in the deserted laboratory.

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Sometimes, when a staff member asked for his opinion, he would shout so loudly that even he was shocked, or he would laugh on purpose. Toward the end of the second month after his departure, he received his first personal letter from the Borneo office. It was a personal letter from Michiko Ishii to Reijiro Kiso. –It has been a long time. Thank you for taking the trouble to see me off when I left. I wanted to write to you earlier, but it was my first trip to an unfamiliar place and I had to think about work all the time, so please forgive me for the delay. However, thanks to the efforts of the people at the destination, things have gone unexpectedly well, and we are now able to start work at the Institute’s Borneo branch office. When I saw the mangroves in Borneo for the first time, I cannot describe the feeling I had. The tropical forests that cover the land are said to be home to apes, but I have not had the chance to see them with my own eyes. (I don’t want there to be too much of a relationship, though.) As for my work - the influence of the magnetic forces of the north and south poles on the equator - I don’t yet know how it will turn out, but I will be able to show you the results in an ossyrograph when it is ready. I will let you know the result with a precise curve on an oscillograph when it is ready, but it seems that the magnetic forces of the two poles are balanced on the equator at the same distance from the two poles, but in fact they seem to be floating to one side or the other all the time. This may be due to the wobbling of the earth’s poles, the earth not being a permanent magnet made of steel, or electromagnetic effects in the air, but it is difficult to determine. Another interesting thing is that on the equator, there seem to be more magnetic field lines coming from the north pole–the northern hemisphere–than those coming from the south, which is a strange and inconceivable difference, since a normal magnet would have the same number of magnetic field lines emanating from both poles.

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Is it because the earth is a different kind of magnet from what we know, or because the magnetic field lines from the south are absorbed into space, or because there is much more land in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere? –I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I did not intend to write such a letter, but I am so concerned about it that I had to be honest with myself. I am afraid that it will take some time to prepare the cyclotron for Mr. Murao and his team, so I am going to ask them to think about me until then. Yesterday at the river steam, they brought some Japanese miso from Ponchanak, so I am happy to inform you that we had a very delicious miso soup this morning. May 12, Supplement -.       V. Personal letter from Kenji Murao to Reijiro Kiso. –I think Tokyo will be in the rainy season by the time this letter arrives. We are now free from that drenching rain in Tokyo. Blue skies and torrential rain. I have been somewhat skeptical about the fact that the inner city was said to be the most scenic place in the world, well, it may be scenic, but whether it is the most healthy place is questionable. Anyway, from the direction of the earth’s rotation, the western side of the continents such as the Subcontinent and the Americas should be the healthy place, and the eastern side of the continents such as the interior and New York should be no less or no more healthy than them, though nothing is absolute…. Anyway, I would like to say that it is a mistake to think that everything out of the interior is a tropical disease (瘴癘地), although some of my friends thought we were going to a terrible unhealthy place when we left for Borneo, saying that we had to take care of ourselves. I have found out the hard way that Borneo is a healthy place, there are no wild animals or poisonous snakes, there are a few crocodiles, but even in Tokyo there are no snakes or poisonous animals. There are a few crocodiles, but even Tokyo has snakes, so I am not shocked. I am in good health, and I will tell you that I am eager to start work as soon as I am ready. Mr.

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Ishii is also in good health, and I thank him for always creating a cheerful atmosphere for all of us. During the long boat trip, I was thinking that we human beings must scientifically grasp a more direct communication (if we call it communication, we should call it an exchange of wills), not by “voice” (speech) or “letters” (writing), for example, how can a group of ants, in total darkness and without sound, communicate with one another in a moment of time? How can a group of ants, for example, communicate instantaneously with each other in total darkness without sound, how can flying creatures find each other? It seems that love is the ability to feel each other in some way, to communicate with each other, heart to heart, soul to soul, in a way that science cannot understand, voices are spread not only by conversation but also by radio, letters are spread not only by letters but also by printing, but this last method of communication, while still being acknowledged to exist at the present time, has not been unmasked. Like the yin-yang artist, if we compare everything to yin and yang, we can see the positive and negative of a magnet as a group of men and women, and then, according to the famous law of electromagnetic fields, we can calculate the “amount of love” that can be sensed from one man over space to her, and then we can calculate the “amount of love” that can be sensed from one woman over space to her. However, it is obvious that this Biot-Savart law cannot be applied to the sensitization of the will of a living being, and it is not because we cannot determine the value of “a constant” attached to this law, but because we cannot determine the value of “a constant” attached to this law.

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There must be some element in this “some ordinary number” that we do not yet know. If only I could grasp it! Ms. Ishii is looking very cheerful these days, wearing a white one-piece dress and flying around like a butterfly, but I am still a “hermit who cannot master the Sacred Arts,” so I cannot sense the reason for this ……, but it is probably better that I cannot sense this. I am not able to sense the reason for it yet, but I can’t sense the reason for it because I am still a “hermit who has not mastered the hermit arts,” . But it might be better if I can’t sense it, because I might go crazy if I really start to sense it and have the will of others echoing in my head all the time like an “unswitchable radio. Phew! May 28th, attached.       VI. Personal letter from Reijiro Kiso to Michiko Ishii. –Thank you for your letter the other day. I had intended to write back to you as soon as possible, but due to the sudden decrease in the number of staff at the office, I have been very busy. However, I was relieved to hear from you that you are doing well, and that was one of the reasons. I also received a letter from Mr. Murao today. He also seemed to be in good health, and he raised his voice saying that compared to Borneo, the climate in the interior is worse. Please let me know if you have such a good news. I had hoped to go there on a business trip, but due to a lack of manpower, it seems unlikely that I will be able to go at short notice. I would be happy if we could go there in the winter to avoid the cold. Please give my best regards to all of you.

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May 28th, 2012 Personal letter from Michiko Ishii to Reijiro Kiso. –Thank you very much for your letter. The power plant is not hydraulic or steam powered, but diesel powered, which reminds me that this is a land rich in oil. Now, I am surprised that my cheerfulness has already become known to you, and I cannot do anything wrong ……. This does not mean that I am doing something wrong. The reason I say this is because I have just recently learned that my brother Ryoichi is in a unit stationed near here. My brother was also surprised to learn that he had never expected to see his brother and sister here in Borneo (……). Although we are a short distance apart, I am sure that he will visit the institute in his spare time. I was hoping to visit the Institute at some time in the future when I have time, but I am sorry that it has turned out the other way. There is nothing else that has changed. I hope this does not affect your health, but you seem to be a romantic and passionate person, just like an artist. I have always had this impression about you, but now that I am here, I feel it even more so. Mr. Kiso always said that a scientist must be a romantic and that there is no development where there are no dreams. ……

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He would say things like, “It is ridiculous to wear clothes and a tie in a place as humid as Tokyo in the summer, because it is not as hot here as it is in Tokyo, and I can go anywhere in an open collar shirt and short pants. I was also thinking (this is another thing) when I was taking the magnetic field curve on the oscillograph, that it looks just like a seismograph, so if we can predict earthquakes with this, for example, if there is some kind of change in the earth’s magnetic field lines before an earthquake occurs, how interesting would this be? If you are interested in having us try it, please let us know. But we are in a place where earthquakes are scarce, and the head office may have already thought of it.       7. Personal letter from Kenji Murao to Reijiro Kiso. –I hope you are doing well. I am now ready to start experimenting with the conversion of elements by atom bombardment …… I have already succeeded in striking a proton out of an atom of mercury to make it into an atom of gold…. This is really one of the pinnacle of modern science, but anyway, when I think about this tiny invisible thing called atom, I suddenly have a strange feeling. After dividing water into several parts, it finally becomes the last molecule of water, and if it is further divided, it is no longer water but oxygen and hydrogen, and the oxygen and hydrogen are, in short, several high-speed electrons circling around one central nucleus. In other words, the volume of matter is empty, and almost everything that makes up a house, a table, or a dog is empty (the reason why things don’t collapse into invisible dots, as you know, is that the electrons and nuclei inside the atoms and the nucleus are all in the same place). ) But what is even more astonishing is that even these atoms, which were thought to never disintegrate, can actually be destroyed by human power, for example by bombarding them with the powerful magnetic field of a cyclotron, ripping the electrons away from the nucleus, and then destroying the substance.

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I am talking about my current work, which has made it possible to actually destroy matter. When I think of this (invisible and imaginary) atom, I feel something really strange, and I have a very strong feeling of anxiety (this is something that other people may or may not take seriously, so I will only tell Kiso-san). –Before I talk about the “size” of a line, let me tell you that the size of a line is very vague. When we think of size, we are generally in the habit of considering a group of similar things and comparing it to the average of them. In the end, size is not absolute, it is always relative and tentative, so if this desk is an inch thick, or 40 centimeters wide, or two feet six inches high, it is only a relative memory of a tentative “thing-finger. We use the word “universe” as a synonym for “vast and boundless,” but how can we be sure that there is not a larger world in which the universe is a piece of a biscuit? If the giant were to break this piece of cookie into smaller pieces, it would finally become not a cookie but many atoms, and one of those atoms would have a nucleus called the sun and eight electrons called Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, all of which are in a circle. You may know that there is an atom named the solar system that goes round and round, and you may observe with interest how the nucleus and the electrons are drawn together by the force of gravity, when they are about to fly apart by centrifugal force, and are standing solid in empty space, and you may see that the cookie is also based on the cry that space is the source of the cookie.

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Likewise, we know that a piece of cookie can be broken down into atoms, and that some of those atoms have one nucleus and eight electrons.They may study, live, love, struggle, eat, and show off that science is in their hands, but we don’t care about such things. We don’t care, and currently have no way of knowing, where that one planet will go, or if there are any living creatures living on it. But this is the story of atoms in the experimental materials in our laboratory. There is no evidence that the tiny experimental material of the macrocosm, including our solar system, is not now on the table in the material transformation laboratory of the super giants. We cannot say that our planet Earth will not be knocked out of its safe haven and disintegrate due to one little experiment by the super giants. …… Not only that, but my fears are further confirmed by the following. The first is that the powerful magnetic storms of unknown origin that occasionally strike our solar system may be an attempt by a super-giant to bombard our universe with atoms. The second is the fact that an unidentifiable great comet suddenly strikes from out of the heavens. You know the horrors of Halley, Donach, Morehouse, Swift, and Daniel ……, just to name a few of the famous ones in modern times, and each time the earth was about to be smashed and thrown out of the tightly rotating solar system. You know the horror of this earth being shattered and thrown out of the tightly spinning solar system.

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This must be some kind of experiment by super giants to bombard and transform the universe, including our solar system, with their comet protons. Fortunately, they have not succeeded to this day in knocking the electrons of the earth out of the atoms of our solar system, but I have succeeded in knocking electrons out of the experimental material in the cyclotron, which would have been on the electrons knocked out by my bombardment. All life, thought, and civilization should have been shattered away, and this success will soon succeed in the laboratories of the super-giants, and atomic bombardment, space bombardment for us, may even become industrial. –And there is absolutely no way to stop this horrendous space bombardment, just as there is absolutely no way to know how the electrons in the atoms of the materials in my laboratory will react to the bombardment, no matter how many pleas are made to stop it. It is the same because there is no way to know. I cannot help but feel a sense of collective fear, as the people of the earth laugh, rage, and sing, unaware of the impending doom of the cosmic bombardment. I can’t help but feel a kind of hair-raising fear, but I can’t stand the thought of the earth being thrown out of the universe by the space bombardment of the super giants, and then collapsing in vain. There is only one way to do that. The atom with eight electrons will be transformed into an atom with seven electrons by the self-explosion of one of the atoms, and a spontaneous transformation of the elements will take place.

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If the super-giants were interested in this miracle, they would eventually notice the reduction of an electron by self-destruction, and if they pursued the cause of that self-destruction, they might finally notice the scientific culture on the electrons named the self-destructed earth - there is no other way to let the super-giants know of our existence! There is no other way to let the super giants know of our existence.July 26th – attached.       VIII. Kenji Murao’s long letter, which came suddenly after no communication for some time, astonished Kiso terribly with its contents. He began to worry that he might have gone a little crazy after getting so absorbed in the conversion of elements by atomic bombardment. What was worse, he told me that the energy generated by atomic destruction, which had recently been studied, had unimaginably enormous magical power, and that, according to this power, it would not be impossible to blow up the very earth itself. But why did Murao do this again? But why did Murao again confuse the micro-world, our world, and the micro-world with the micro-world? Kiso frowned and reread Murao’s letter two or three times. As he did so, the silliness he had felt when he first read it quickly gradually faded away, and he began to feel something uncanny from the bottom of it. Murao’s anxiety seemed to me like a prophecy of an easy ordeal.

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He immediately wrote a letter to Michiko Ishii. Personal letter from Reijiro Kiso to Michiko Ishii. –It is very hot in Tokyo, but I am sure it is cooler there than in Tokyo. By the way, this is sudden (by the way, I read in Mr. Ishii’s letter the other day that Mr. Murao is very feverish), but I hope he is still doing well. According to the letter I received today, he seems to be suffering from a nervous breakdown. …… In other words, he has been raising questions about elemental transformation experiments and has even gone so far as to blow up the earth. Please look at it carefully and let us know. Please look at the situation carefully and let us know. Then, just when I thought Kiso’s letter had not arrived at Michiko Ishii’s, another letter from Murao arrived by mistake. A personal letter from Kenji Murao to Reijiro Kiso. –I hope you have been able to understand the anxiety I have been feeling. This is a fear that no one on earth has ever imagined before, the fear that our universe will be bombed by a super giant. ……

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And now it is no longer a lie, a joke, or an imagination. For, in my laboratory, a great change has taken place. Even as I write this letter, I feel as if my heart is being squeezed ……, but the great change is that a grain of mercury, which I had placed as an experimental material, has suddenly and spontaneously transformed into a natural substance. To my astonishment, pure mercury turned into something unknown. To be more precise, it was Mr. Ishii who first noticed this anomaly. He said that a grain of mercury in a glass tray (think of it as the head of a match) had a strange color, and he pinched it (mercury has a strong surface tension, so he was not shocked that he pinched it…). (I was not shocked by the pinch, because mercury has a strong surface tension. While I was puzzled, Mr. Ishii crushed it with a hammer that was at hand, and the mercury turned into a brown powder. To my horror, the mercury turned into a brown powder. I hurried to examine the other mercury, but none of the other mercury had changed at all, only this crushed grain had changed. What does this tell us about this mystery?In other words, the electrons in the mercury had more advanced science than our earth, and they must have foreseen that their universe would eventually be bombed by me, and before that, they tried to show off to my eyes that they had their own transformative science, and that they were a super giant to them. This seems to fit very well with what I was thinking (so I guessed), and their scientific power in the tiny electrons seems to have an astonishing destructive power even greater than that of the present earthlings (why is this so?).

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(Because even the current Earth scientists, and even the scientists who are following a particular line of research, have barely found enough energy to blow up the Earth itself, they seem to have a destructive power that is so great that it could, in our case, be used to destroy the entire universe, i.e., they could be on Earth and yet be on Mars, or on Neptune, or on Mars, or on the Oceans, etc.) They must have had the astonishing scientific power to snipe and blow up Mars and Neptune from Earth, or they would not have been able to transform something as small as a single grain of matter into something that looks like a grain of matter to us! –(-). Our turn has come, and we must show the super-giant that our science exists by transforming a single atom of the solar system by our own explosion, at least before the cosmic bombardment of the super-giant (which unfortunately we do not yet have the power to imitate), by the method of the “man” who was an electron in this mercury. I will do my best to prepare for this, and I am sure that Mr. Ishii will be my best assistant until the end, which is my only pleasure. (If only we could have found a way to communicate between living beings by means other than voice and writing, we might have been able to understand each other, the tiny electronic beings I am bombarding and the super-giant that is bombarding our planet, but it is too late for that now. At the same time, I, a small-minded person who cannot break through in the conventional way, will end up not being able to understand Mr.

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Ishii either (……). In any case, I would like to hurry up with the preparations and will write to you again. August 16th – attached.       IX. About half a month had passed since I received Murao’s letter, which was not easy to receive. I had been waiting every day for a letter from Michiko Ishii, whom I had previously inquired about, but it had not arrived. Suddenly, a telegram arrived. A private telegram from Kenji Murao to Reijiro Kiso. –Kekkoushimasu, tetsuzuki yoroshikutanomu. Attached on September 1. Reijiro Kiso was literally astonished. Murao wants to blow up the earth! What is Michiko Ishii doing, who did not even reply to his warning? There is no procedure or shit when it comes to smashing the earth! Kiso, without even time to call the waiter, flew out of the laboratory foaming at the mouth and rushed to the post office. A private telegram from Reijiro Kiso to Kenji Murao. –Mate. Atofumi. Dated September 1. Private telegram from Reijiro Kiso to Michiko Ishii. –Murao wo jikkenshitsu ni irunna. Atofumi.

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September 1. When a breathless Kiso returned to his room at the institute, he found that the airmail had been delivered while he had been at the post office. A personal letter from Michiko Ishii to Reijiro Kiso. –Thank you for your letter the other day. I am sorry for the delay. My brother recommended that I marry Mr. Murao, but I wondered what Kiso-sama thought about it. I am sure my brother and Mr. Murao will have something to say about this in due course. …… On August 27th. Kiso was shocked and then stunned. The date of the telegram seemed to predate Murao’s telegram. But then, what did Murao mean by “kekko”? Kiso pulled up the telephone on the table and asked the post office to check the telegram. –Kiso Reijiro was not happy about the long delay. Reijiro Kiso walked slowly down the long corridor toward the general office. Kiso had never heard of this institute’s marriage procedures. He had to ask about it. But as he walked slowly, he kept thinking about the power of science. If science could advance to the point where the enormous energy generated by atomic destruction could be harnessed and popularized by the general public, he thought, our culture would see a quantum leap forward.

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But if it were to fall into the hands of a madman, the earth could be crushed to dust, along with hundreds of millions of other human beings at any moment. Kiso felt a coldness pressing down on his spine as he walked. (Unpublished manuscript)..