Space bombing

It is because the communication between living || Ikujiro Ran Space Bombing (3)

It is because the communication between living || Ikujiro Ran Space Bombing (3)

I did not intend to write such a letter, but I am so concerned about it that I had to be honest with myself.
I am afraid that it will take some time to prepare the cyclotron for Mr. Murao and his team, so I am going to ask them to think about me until then.

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Yesterday at the river steam, they brought some Japanese miso from Ponchanak, so I am happy to inform you that we had very good miso soup this morning. May 12, Supplement -.              V.  Personal letter from Kenji Murao to Reijiro Kiso.  –I think Tokyo will be in the rainy season by the time this letter arrives. We are now free from that drenching rain in Tokyo. Blue skies and torrential rain. I have been somewhat skeptical about the fact that the inner city was said to be the most scenic place in the world, well, it may be scenic, but whether it is the most healthy place is questionable. Anyway, from the direction of the earth’s rotation, the western side of the continents such as the Subcontinent and the Americas should be the healthy place, and the eastern side of the continents such as the interior and New York should be no less or no more healthy than them, though nothing is absolute…. Anyway, I would like to say that it is a mistake to think that everything out of the interior is a tropical disease (瘴癘地), although some of my friends thought we were going to a terrible unhealthy place when we left for Borneo, saying that we had to take care of ourselves. I have found out the hard way that Borneo is a healthy place, there are no wild animals or poisonous snakes, there are a few crocodiles, but even Tokyo has its share of snakes and crocodiles. There are a few crocodiles, but even Tokyo has snakes, so I am not shocked.

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Mr. Ishii is doing well, and I thank him for always having a cheerful atmosphere for everyone.  I thought about it during the long cruise, and I realized that we human beings have the ability to communicate with each other through our voices, letters, and other forms of communication.  voice, or letters.  How can a group of ants, for example, communicate instantaneously with each other in total darkness without any sound? It is because the communication between living things is not a matter of voice and  It makes it seem that there is more to communication between living things than voice and  It makes me think that there is more to communication between living things than voice and letters, or that love is something other than voice and letters that can harmonize, that can feel each other in some way that science cannot understand, that can communicate heart to heart, soul to soul, that voices are spread not only by conversation but also by radio, letters are spread not only by letters but also by print. However, this last method of communication, while still recognized as existing, has not yet been identified, but I am sure it will be eventually, like the Yin-Yang artist who, if we compare everything to Yin and Yang, sees the positive and negative of a magnet in a group of men and women, and the positive and negative of a magnet in a group of men and women. Then, according to the famous law of the electromagnetic field, we can calculate the amount of love that can be sensed from one man to her across space and then calculate the amount of love that can be sensed from her to the decimal point.

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However, it is obvious that this Biot-Savart law cannot be applied to the sensitization of the will of a living being, and it is not possible to determine the value of a constant that is attached to this law.  However, it is obvious that this law of Biot-Savart cannot be applied to the sensitivities of the organism’s will.  There must be some unknown element in this ordinary number that we don’t know yet.  If I could grasp this!  Ms. Ishii is looking very cheerful these days, wearing a white one-piece dress and flying around like a butterfly, but I still cannot master  But I am a hermit who has not yet mastered the Sacred Arts, so I cannot sense the reason for this ……, but perhaps it would be better if I could not sense this, because I am really getting more and more aware of it, and I am like a radio that cannot be switched off.  I might lose my mind if I could really sense more and more and have other people’s wills echoing in my head all the time like a radio that can’t be switched off. Phew! May 28th, attached.

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VI.  Personal letter from Reijiro Kiso to Michiko Ishii.  –Thank you for your letter the other day. I had intended to write back to you as soon as possible, but due to the sudden decrease in the number of staff at the office, I have been very busy. However, I was relieved to hear from you that you are doing well, and that was one of the reasons. I also received a letter from Mr. Murao today. He also seemed to be in good health, and he raised his voice saying that compared to Borneo, the climate in the interior is worse. Please let me know if you have such a good news. I had hoped to go there on a business trip, but due to a lack of manpower, it seems unlikely that I will be able to go at such short notice. I would be happy if we could go there in the winter to avoid the cold. Please give my best regards to all of you. May 28th, 2012  Personal letter from Michiko Ishii to Reijiro Kiso.  –Thank you very much for your letter. The power plant is not hydraulic or steam powered, but diesel powered, which reminds me that this is a land rich in oil. Now, I am surprised that my cheerfulness has already become known to you, and I cannot do anything wrong ……. This does not mean that I am doing something wrong. The reason I say this is because I have just recently learned that my brother Ryoichi is in a unit stationed near here. My brother was also surprised to learn that he had never expected to see his brother and sister here in Borneo (……). Although we are a short distance apart, I am sure that he will visit the institute in his spare time. I was hoping to visit the Institute at some time in the future when I have time, but I am sorry that it has turned out the other way.

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There is nothing else that has changed. I hope this does not affect your health, but you seem to be a romantic and passionate person, just like an artist. I have always had this impression about you, but now that I am here, I feel it even more so. Mr. Kiso always says that a scientist must be a romantic and that there is no development without a dream.  This is what Mr. Kiso always said. …… He would say things like, “It is ridiculous to wear clothes and a necktie in a place as humid as Tokyo in the summer.  I was also thinking (this is another thing) when I was taking the magnetic field curve on the oscillograph, that it looks just like a seismograph, so if we can predict earthquakes with this, for example, if there is some kind of change in the earth’s magnetic field lines before an earthquake occurs, how interesting would this be? If you are interested in having us try it, please let us know. However, we are in a place where earthquakes are scarce, and the head office may have already thought of it.

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7.  Personal letter from Kenji Murao to Reijiro Kiso.