Space bombing

It is because the communication between living || Ikujiro Ran Space Bombing (4)

It is because the communication between living || Ikujiro Ran Space Bombing (4)

–I hope you are doing well.
I am now ready to start experimenting with the conversion of elements by atom bombardment …… I have already succeeded in striking a proton out of an atom of mercury to make it into an atom of gold…. This is really one of the pinnacle of modern science, but anyway, when I think of this tiny invisible thing called atom, I suddenly have a strange feeling. After dividing water into several parts, it finally becomes the last molecule of water, and if it is further divided, it is no longer water but oxygen and hydrogen, and the oxygen and hydrogen are, in short, several high-speed electrons circling around one central nucleus. In other words, the volume of matter is empty, and almost everything that makes up a house, a table, or a dog is empty (the reason why things don’t collapse into invisible dots, as you know, is that the electrons and nuclei inside the atoms and the nuclei inside the atoms are all empty). ) But what is even more astonishing is that even these atoms, which were thought to never disintegrate, can actually be destroyed by human power, for example by bombarding them with the powerful magnetic field of a cyclotron, ripping the electrons away from the nucleus, and then destroying the substance. I am talking about my current work, which has made it possible to actually destroy matter.

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When I think of this (invisible and imaginary) atom, I feel something really strange, and I have a very strong feeling of anxiety (this is something that other people may or may not take seriously, so I will only tell Kiso-san). –Before I talk about the “size” of a line, let me tell you that the size of a line is very vague. When we think of size, we are generally in the habit of considering a group of similar things and comparing it to the average of them. In the end, size is not absolute, it is always relative and temporary.  We use the word “universe” as a synonym for “vast and boundless,” but how can we be sure that there is not a larger world in which the universe is a cookie? If the giant were to break this piece of cookie into smaller pieces, it would finally become not a cookie but many atoms, and one of those atoms would have a nucleus called the sun and eight electrons called Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, all of which are in a circle. You may know that there is an atom named the solar system that goes round and round, and you may observe with interest how the nucleus and the electrons are drawn together by the force of gravity, when they are about to fly apart by centrifugal force, and stand solid in empty space, and you may see that the cookie is also based on the cry that what it is is space, and that the cookie is also based on the cry that what it is is space. Similarly, we know that a piece of cookie can be broken down into atoms, and that some of these atoms have a nucleus and eight electrons. And if we could examine this atom in more detail, we might learn that the third of its electrons is named Earth and is filled with an ultramicrobe called man, and that this ultramicrobe called man is, well, let’s not call it an ultramicrobe, let’s not call it an ultramicrobe, let’s call it a big one, or a small one, and that it is an ultramicrobe, or a small one, and that it is an ultramicrobe. And this human hyper-microbe, let’s not call it a hyper-microbe, is big, or small, or even hyper-microbe, it’s just a temporary feeling we have.

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It’s just a feeling. …… Anyway, we are in the third electron of an atom, and we are now bombarded by high-speed protons.  Humans may be enjoying the triumph of science right now, saying that they have succeeded in transforming atoms (the atoms in which humans live in the electrons of atoms) by bombarding them with high-speed protons, but what a surprise, the electrons of the earth in which they live were bombarded by Kenji Murao of the Borneo branch of the Institute of Magnetism, and they believe that they are safe forever. The sphere they believed to be eternally safe is about to be knocked out of the atomic system. …… They may never have dreamed of it, but they study, live, love, struggle, eat, and show off that science is in their hands, but for us it doesn’t matter, we don’t care. We don’t care, and currently have no way of knowing, where that one planet will go, or if there are any living creatures living on that planet.  But this is the story of atoms in the experimental materials in our laboratory. There is no evidence that the tiny experimental material of the macrocosm, including our solar system, is not now on the table in the material transformation laboratory of the super giants. We cannot say that our planet Earth will not be knocked out of its safe haven and disintegrate due to one little experiment by the super giants. …… Not only that, but my fears are further confirmed by the following.

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One is the fact that the powerful magnetic storms of unknown origin that occasionally hit our solar system may be an attempt by a super-giant to bombard our universe with atoms.  The second is the fact that an unidentifiable great comet suddenly strikes from out of the heavens. You know the horrors of Halley, Donach, Morehouse, Swift, and Daniel ……, just to name a few of the famous ones in modern times, and each time the earth was about to be smashed and thrown out of the tightly rotating solar system. You know the horror of this earth being shattered and thrown out of the tightly revolving solar system. This must be some sort of super-giant experimenting to bombard and transform the universe, including our solar system, with their comet protons.  Fortunately, they have not succeeded to this day in knocking the electrons of the earth out of the atoms of our solar system, but I have succeeded in knocking electrons out of the experimental material in the cyclotron, which would have been on the electrons knocked out by my bombardment. All life, thought, and civilization should have been shattered away, and this success will soon succeed in the laboratories of the super-giants, and atomic bombardment, space bombardment for us, may even become industrial. –And there is absolutely no way to stop this horrendous space bombardment, just as there is absolutely no way to know how the electrons in the atoms of the materials in my laboratory will react to the bombardment, no matter how many pleas are made to stop it. It is the same because there is no way to know. I cannot help but feel a sense of collective fear, as the people of the earth laugh, rage, and sing, unaware of the impending doom of the cosmic bombardment.

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I can’t help but feel a kind of hair-raising fear, but I can’t stand the thought of the earth being thrown out of the universe by the space bombardment of the super giants, and then collapsing in vain. There is only one way to do that. The atom with eight electrons will be transformed into an atom with seven electrons by the self-explosion of one of the atoms, and a spontaneous transformation of the elements will take place. If the super-giants were interested in this miracle, they would eventually notice the reduction of an electron by self-destruction, and if they pursued the cause of that self-destruction, they might finally notice the scientific culture on the electrons named the self-destructed earth - there is no other way to let the super-giants know of our existence! There is no other way to let the super giants know of our existence. I will try to think of a way to precede this cosmic bombardment with a self-destruction of the Earth, perhaps not impossible with the energy of atomic destruction.