
……What is the barbaric robe you wear, || Shugoro Yamamoto Arahoshi

……What is the barbaric robe you wear, || Shugoro Yamamoto Arahoshi

It is not so long ago that Shun’ei of Shoheiji Temple came to be known as Arahoshi. …… Shoheiji Temple is one of the great temples of the Rinzai sect in Musashi Province, but at that time the prestige of the so-called Kanto Gozan (Five Temples of the Kanto Region) had diminished, no great master had appeared, and the Rinzai sect was at its lowest point, remembering only the glory days of the three masters Ootongwan (Ootong, Ootong, and Kansan). The temple was also no longer as majestic as it had once been. Even so, more than a dozen monks of all ages were studying under the guidance of the monk Huisen, and there was always a constant flow of thirty-five monks who came from all over the country to receive training in the Buddhist monastery. The monk also said that Toshie was a very gentle boy with a brilliant mind and a clear perception of the world, and his parishioners also said that Toshie would soon become a great wisdom. The priest also said that he was a rare find, and his parishioners also gossiped about him, saying that Toshie would soon become a great scholar. When he was 18 years old, he went up to Kyoto and entered Tofukuji Temple, where he stayed for two years, then came to Kamakura from Kenninji Temple and stayed at Engakuji Temple for two years, and returned to Shoheiji Temple after six years of training. His thick-boned six-foot-something frame, his eyebrows that seemed to be drawn in a single line across his sallow black face, and his eyes that shone brightly, all overflowed with a sense of robust strength. Her appearance had changed as well as her personality, and the quietness she had shown since her boyhood had become even worse.

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Toshie-sama has changed.  I wonder if he was like that when he was once called the “Arahoshi” of Eizan.  He had the air of an “Arahoshi”,…… I don’t know when, but such a reputation began to grow, and eventually his name spread throughout the area.  Early one morning in late spring, a farmer was walking behind Shoheiji Temple on his way to his fields when he suddenly heard a strange cry above his head. The farmer looked up at the strange figure for a while, and then called out to it, “Toshie-sama!  The farmer was startled again and looked up at the strange figure for a while, but then he called out fearfully, “…… Toshie, what are you doing up there?  I’m looking for Shinnyo,” he shouted back from the tree tops, “and I’m not moving again. Of course, the farmer did not know what Shinnyo was, so he asked the village headman, a hermit named Kanjiemon.  He seemed very puzzled and twisted his head for a while.  The hermit seemed to be very puzzled.  The hermit seemed to be very puzzled and twisted his head for a while, but then drew a circle in the sky with his finger, saying, ……

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The hermit seemed to be very puzzled and twisted his head for a while, but then drew a circle in the sky with his finger, saying, …… well, this is what it looks like.  Is that Shinnyo? ……  Well, yes. Then it’s a circle. ……  Yes, it is.  Is it hard or soft?  Neither hard nor soft.  It’s ……  Clear and colorless.  Is it alive or  No, it is neither alive nor dead.  I don’t know what it is, but I wonder what it is. ……  The weak hermit was getting impatient with himself.  In other words, everything that exists between heaven and earth changes. It neither grows nor diminishes, it neither burns nor rots, it never dies even if heaven and earth die. …… Well, that’s what Shinnyo is, in other words. The farmer looked at him with a puzzled look on his face.  The farmer looked at him strangely, as if he couldn’t understand it. …… Then the same question and answer continued for about half a minute, and then the farmer was left in the dark, as the retired kan’emon had withdrawn into the back of the house. One day in the early summer, the sun was shining on the young leaves in the precincts of the temple, making them shine so brightly that it hurt the eyes. He was sweating as if his head had been drenched with water and was hoeing industriously in the hole he had dug for himself, but his friends did not listen to him. The first time I went to the cemetery, I saw an elderly parishioner on his way to the cemetery and casually called out, “Mr.

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The first time I went to the cemetery, I saw an elderly parishioner on his way to the cemetery and casually called out, “Mr. Toshie, you’re having a hard time in this hot weather, but what are you doing?  ……I’m looking for Shinnyo.  He said, ……I’m not in the world, I’m not in the sky, I’m under the ground,…… and his voice sounded like he was crying, the old parishioner later said. for a while  The word “Shinnyo” became a popular phrase. The year was now over, and on a day at the end of May in the 18th year of Tensho, while the monk was chatting with his guests, one of the little monks came running and called out to him in a loud voice.  Hojo-sama, please come quickly, we are in trouble!  What’s the matter?  Mr. Toshie is fighting with the Gohonzon in the main hall.  …… Don’t be ridiculous!  I’m really having a fight with the Gohonzon.  Toshie was standing in front of the Shumidan in the main hall. He was holding a sutra scroll in one hand, which he had been reciting, and standing upright facing the altar, his right hand outstretched in front of him as he gave a loud exclamation to the statue of Sakyamuni Nyorai, the principal image of the Buddha. ……Who are you?” His voice was so loud that it shook the canopy.

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……Who are you?” His voice was so loud that it shook the canopy.  The voice was so loud that it shook the canopy. ……What is the barbaric robe you wear, what is the spiral hair, what is the white hair between your eyebrows, from which remote land do you come, say, who is the Buddha?  Shunhui …… came in from behind and shouted, “What are you doing?  What is he doing? Have you lost your mind?  ………… Toshie turned around and looked at Huixian with binoculars that looked as if they would burst into flames. I ask you, master monk, what kind of person is this Sakyamuni Buddha, this ball of hair, this frizzy, barbarian-robed, idol?  I have no words to answer such a foolish question.  Then let me tell you who this is,” said Toshie, raising her hand and pointing to the principal image.  This is a replica of a human being called Siddhartha, later called Sakyamuni, son of the lord of the castle of Kabirae in India. Why should Toshie, who was born in the Land of the Greater Yamato, worship a replica of the son of the lord of a Jersey castle? The monk was so frightened that he cried out, “Who is this?  The monk was horrified and shouted, “Who will do it?” Toshie went crazy.

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Why should Toshie, who was born in the Land of the Greater Yamato, worship a replica of the son of the lord of a Jersey castle? The monk was so frightened that he cried out, “Who is this?  The monk was horrified and shouted, “Who will do it?” Toshie went crazy.  They brought ropes, tied Toshie up in a circle, and carried her into the storehouse behind the lecture hall. Toshie had stopped resisting and was left to do as she was told, eyes closed, mouth agape, and motionless as she was thrown onto the dusty floor.  The monk bent down over him and said, “Listen to me, Toshie. ……  If your mind is preoccupied with such trivial matters, you are still a long way from enlightenment. The first step in the path of enlightenment is to break out of the category in which you are locked up, and to get rid of it. Open the window. …… Toshie was silent. The monk’s words did not seem to have made any impression on him.